This veggie burger recipe is so easy for kids to make, and it’s delicious and healthy too–full of fibre and low fat. It’s also super-cheap to make, and any that aren’t gobbled up right away can be frozen for a quick meal on one of your busier days.
Makes 6-8 (depending on the size you make them)
Stuff You’ll Need
- 2 tins (400g) of kidney beans
- Handful of coriander (about 1/3 a supermarket packet)
- 1 egg
- 90g breadcrumbs*
- 1 1/2 tsp mild chilli powder
- 2 tbsp salsa (plus extra for toppings)
- Wholemeal buns
* Use either shop-bought, or make your own by crumbling up dry bread, or give a few slices (broken into pieces) a whizz in a blender or food processor.
Let’s Get Going
1. Empty the beans into a colander and rinse them under the tap. Allow them to drain while you get on with the next step.
2. Chop up your coriander. You can get a grown-up to do this for you, or you could do some of it yourself by snipping the leaves with scissors.
3. Put your beans into a large bowl and mash them with a potato masher. You don’t want it to get too mushy, just mash it up roughly, so you can still see some whole beans.
4. Add all the other ingredients to the bowl and mix it all in.
5. Now use a spoon to blob out six little mounds of burger mix onto a tray.
6. Roll the mix between your hands until you have a ball shape. Put the ball on the baking tray and flatten it down into a burger shape, using the palm of your hand.
7. You can now cook these under the grill (but let the grown-up do it, as grills get hot!). The burger will take 4-5 minutes on each side.
TIP: You can freeze the burgers on a tray. Once completely frozen they can be popped in a freezer bag and used on another day. Cook them in the oven for 20-25 mins (200c/180c fan, gas 6)
8. Now you can enjoy your yummy burgers in buns, with a bit of extra salsa if you like it that way, or just ketchup, or whatever you like!
These burgers taste extra delicious with easy homemade potato wedges. We’ll be looking at healthy alternatives to chips (French fries) soon…
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