Yogurt is one of those things that we know comes from milk, but we’re not really sure how it turns from milk to yogurt. It’s actually really simple, and we can make our own yogurt using only 2 ingredients, a thermometer, and a bit of science. Stuff You’ll Need 1 pint of whole milk […]
Here’s a Quick Way to Make Ice Cream in a Bag
Get your jiggling arms ready–we are going to make ice cream in a bag! I know we say this a lot on Mini Yummers, but this really is easy peasy lemon squeezy (without the need to squeeze lemons). You can make delicious ice cream using only a handful of ingredients that you probably already have. […]
Clever Kids’ Guide to Making Your Own Cheese
When you start munching on your cheese sandwich at lunchtime, have you ever thought about how cheese is made? How does milk go from being a liquid to a solid cheese? Let’s find out, and even try making our own cheese. It’s easy! How is Cheese Made? Cheese is made by adding a bacteria or […]
How to Make Butter with Kids in Five Minutes
So we all know that cows make milk, and that milk can make many delicious things–such as butter, cheese, and yoghurt–but how do these things get made? Let’s do a bit of kitchen science and see if we can make our own butter! Kids: all you need is some cream and a jam jar. Grown-ups: […]