If you think the best thing in your lunchbox is the yummy sweet treat at the end, then these healthy seed cookies are perfect for you! Although it’s hard to say that any biscuit is healthy, these seed cookies are much better for you than the ones in bags you buy from the supermarket. […]
Easy Healthy Breakfast Muffin Recipe
Who doesn’t love a muffin? And when you’re allowed to have one of these healthy muffins at breakfast then you’re sure to get your day off to a good start. Our apple and granola muffins are full of fibre, fruit, and milk–just like any breakfast should be. They are the perfect option if you […]
Where Do Nuts Come From?
We use nuts in loads of recipes on Mini Yummers, and even if you haven’t tried any yet I’m sure you’ve eaten peanut butter, scoffed Nutella chocolate spread, munched on peanut M&Ms, or even snacked on salted or roasted nuts. But have you ever wondered where nuts come from? Do they grow on trees or […]
Why Do Apples Turn Brown?
Apples make a yummy and healthy treat, but they can be annoying to eat sometimes. And then, if your grown-up has been really helpful and cut them up into pieces for you, they start to go all brown and yucky. Why is that? Apples Turn Brown Because… There is something in apples called PPO (polyphenol […]
How to Make Easy Peasy Cereal Bars
These cereal bars are so yummy you could eat them at breakfast, as a healthy sweet treat in your lunchbox, or even as a dessert after your dinner. There are two great things about this recipe for making your own cereal bars: 1) it’s easy and 2) you can design it to suit your tastes. […]
Good-For-You Granola: Made in Minutes, Scoffed in Seconds
Granola is a sweet and crunchy cereal to munch at breakfast time, and it’s good for you too. This granola recipe is really versatile, so you can put in whatever fruit and extras that are your favourites. Yep, you can design your own breakfast cereal! It’ll also make the grown-ups happy, as this version […]